Here's a situation you, as a Certified Practitioner may know well:
A Thinker completed an HBDI® sometime in the past in Herrmann's "old" system, the HTMS. That Thinker now needs to access the features and resources available through Herrmann's® Thinker Portal introduced in mid-2019.
There is a very easy solution for this situation. And there are two scenarios.
1-If the Thinker still has access to the same email address they used when they completed their HBDI®, the process is completely automated.
2-If the Thinker doesn't have access to their email address, or they didn't include an email address when they completed the HBDI®, they can still use this process, its just a little less automatic.
In both scenarios, you, the Certified Practitioner (CP), should send the Thinker(s) instructions like this:
(You might want to give them more personalized context about how important this is to the organization's intitatives.)
Note: You can include screen shots, if you think those are helpful, or you can abbreviate the instructions, as they do take into account both scenarios described above.
Dear Thinker:
In order to give you access to some great tools and resources to enable your use of Herrmann® Whole Brain® Thinking, and to give you access to your HBDI® Thinking Styles Assessment results, from the HBDI® you completed in the past, you'll need to create a User Account in Herrmann's® new system. This system was built with your privacy and security in mind, so even though this is an extra step, its a great thing for you.
All you have to do is use the link below for this webpage where you'll create your User Account:
Note: You will want to access the Herrmann Platform over and over again, so save or make note of the credentials you create.
Once you create your account, if the system recognizes your email address, you will see a page that looks like this:
This page lets you know that the system found your assessment, and that an email has been sent to you, to confirm your account. This email insures that you are the person with access to that email address.
Here's the email you will receive:
When you click on the link to "confirm" you'll be taken to this page:
This page allows you to "Consent to Data Processing" a requirement for GDPR. You will check the box to verify that you consent to Herrmann® making you assessment results accessible. And once you've checked the box and "Confirm Registration", you'll see a confirmation page:
Now that you know your account has been confirmed, you can "Continue" to the Thinker Portal:
If you don't have access to the email address you used when you completed the HBDI® in the HTMS system, or you didn't include an email when you completed the HBDI®, or you don't remember what email you used, there is still a way to link your new account to the previously completed HBDI®. This process does rely on a Herrmann® support person to do some manual operations so it can take a little longer to finalize.
Here's how it works...
Just as before you will create your account:
But this time, the system won't recognize your email address, so you are taken to a page with a form for additional information, in order to "reclaim" the HBDI®.
Once you provide Herrmann® with the additional information on the form, you will see:
And you will receive an email like this one:
Give the Herrmann® Support team a couple of days to research and get back to you. They will let you know how things progress. You can "View the claim request" using the link in the email. If it is still in process, the link will give you the form again. But once the support team has done their work, and you use the link, you'll see:
When you sumbit the claim request from the above, you will see this page:
Once you see the message above and your Herrmann® User Account and your HBDI® are linked, you can go to this page to see your results:
Herrmann® continues to add resources to the page above, so don't wait, get started today!
That's it...these steps will allow a Thinker who has completed an HBDI® in Herrmann®'s older system, to regain access to that HBDI® and all the new fantatsic resources available in the Herrmann® Thinker Portal.
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Articles in this section
- Getting Started as a Practitioner in the Herrmann Platform
- List of Compatible Browsers
- Video Tutorial - General Navigation in the Herrmann Platform
- The Herrmann Platform: Technical Information for Organizations and Their IT Departments
- Herrmann Return and Refund Policy
- How often should I take the HBDI®?
- Security, Privacy and Axon
- Herrmann Product Release Notes 2023-2025
- My Thinkers Need a User Account for Axon to Access Their Previous HBDI®, HBDI® Digital & the Mobile App
- The Practitioner's Guide to Axon's Batch Registration for Migrated Assessments
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