Everyday tools for managers and teams to decode their cognitive diversity and apply Whole Brain® thinking to increase team effectiveness.
If your Organization has opted in to providing access, you can create your own team's profile on the Herrmann Platform for use at any time.
- If you do not see the Teams tile or the Create button, contact support (contact info below) to ask about how you can opt in to this resource.
- Login to your Herrmann Platform Home Page here:
https://journey.herrmannsolutions.net/thinker - Be sure to "Grant Permission" in the Sharing tile to allow your personal HBDI® Profile to be seen by others in your Organization
- Look for your Teams tile
STEP 1: Locate the "Create Team" button in your Teams tile...click
STEP 2: Enter your Team's Name.
Note: this is the Team name all members of that Team will see on their Herrmann Home Page
STEP 3: Search for the members of your team using:
- email address
or - name: first and or last name
- Note: this is a "fuzzy" search tool. You may find "close" matches.
STEP 4: Select the correct Team members and add them to your Team.
Add team members by clicking the +
Note: that you are automatically included in your team.
STEP 5: Make note of those HBDI® Profiles that are "blurred"
A blurred profile means the Thinker has not shared their profile. You can encourage them to do so by providing them with the log in link above, and encourage that they "Grant Permission" to share their profile.
Note: until Thinkers share their profiles, their data will not be included in your HBDI® Team Profile.
Almost there...
STEP 6: Save the Team! You'll be asked to confirm that you have the right members.
Click Save.
Once you save the team, others on this team will be able to see the HBDI® Team Profile on their Herrmann Home Page too. Encourage them to check out the team by going to:
https://journey.herrmannsolutions.net/thinker and look for the "Teams" tile.
And if they haven't Granted Permission to share their profile, encourage them to do so!
Additional Information on how to use the HBDI® Team Profile to your best advantage:
Help Center Article: Teams Overview
Help Center Article: Teams for Managers
Help Center Article: Teams for Team Members
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