1:1 Meetings
When connecting 1:1 with a direct report, a manager, or a colleague- it’s helpful to take a Whole Brain® Approach:
Preparing for the meeting
From the Stop & Think home page, find "Getting to Know Your Team Members" and click to view the profile of the person you’re meeting with.
Ask the person you’re meeting with to complete the Whole Brain® 1:1 Agenda before your discussion. Go through the sections in the order that makes the most sense for the person you’re working with.
During the meeting
Based on the person’s thinking preferences, cover the appropriate discussion points described by the prompts in the “Lead a meeting” sub-section.
Follow up after the meeting.
Block five minutes at the end of your 1:1 to recap your discussion using the questions listed in the “Debrief a meeting” sub-section.
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