Q: What is changing? A: |
Q: Why make these changes now? A: |
We have received feedback regarding the readability of our reports as well as the motion sickness and handedness questions, which in some areas may be considered as medical or personal questions. These updates reflect improvements that our customers have asked for. We value your opinions and recommendations for making our products the best they can be. We have over 35 years worth of insights gained from a database of millions of profiles. From this data, we’ve learned a lot about our thinkers, cognitive diversity and thinking preferences. Using that knowledge and insight, and the help of a powerful and state-of-the-art new database platform, Axon, we’ll be able to refine and enhance the HBDI® more easily than we could do so in the past by scaling scores. Axon allows us to make changes to the HBDI® while maintaining validity and comparability with past versions. As technology changes, so too does the way in which we can assess thinking preferences. In order to stay at the forefront of our industry and take advantage of new developments, we need to make some changes to the way that we measure and report a Thinker’s HBDI® scores. You can think about this change like the changes Google makes every day to its search algorithms - by continuously evolving and improving our diagnostic approaches, we can continually improve the quality of the outputs we deliver to our Certified Practitioners and Thinkers. |
Q: How will these changes affect me and my thinkers? A: |
The changes will be applied for all new thinkers and reports created from as Clients are "toggled on" to the new scoring. Old thinker data will not be affected, apart from the look of the reports that you download from Axon. We think you’ll find that the new reports are easier to read and scan. Being aware that there have been some changes is important, but the impact should be minimal to the Thinker. The scores will use the same thresholds for generating profile codes (i.e., score ≥67 = 1, 34-66 = 2 and ≤33 = 3). The primary difference is that the maximum and minimum scores are now the same across each quadrant. There are two changes to the adjective pairs section of the report:
Q: Will there be any questions added or removed from the survey? A: |
We are not adding any questions at this time, but we are removing a few. We have removed the motion sickness questions due to the concern in some areas that this is closely related to medical information. We have also removed the handedness questions. |
Q: What will happen when I pull a pair or team profile that includes old and new profiles? A: |
The new report will reflect the individual’s profile at the time they completed the HBDI. We will not be updating old profiles in new reports and it is still appropriate to compare them. In addition, the changes will not have a significant impact on the relationship between different members of a team; because the team report is primarily focused on the relationship between different team members and their thinking preferences this relationship will not be affected. |
Q: Is there a theoretical max? A: The theoretical max represents the highest score possible for a given quadrant. So, yes, there will always be a theoretical max. Likewise, there will always be a theoretical min, which is the lowest score possible. |
Q: What is the new theoretical max and minimum for each quadrant? A: The theoretical max for each quadrant will be 180 and the theoretical minimum will be 2. However, in reality it will be extremely rare for scores to approach the maxes and minimums. |
Q: Will the four quadrant scores total be the same for various individuals completing the HBDI? A: No, the four quadrant scores total for each individual is variable due to several different factors. This has always been the case with the dynamic structure of the HBDI assessment. The variable sections of the HBDI such as hobbies where some individuals select no hobbies and others select the maximum of six is a great example of the variability of the scores. The "Agree/Disagree" section of the assessment is another example where individuals can select extremes on the scale or neutral selections. The Work Elements section of the HBDI also has a range of options that affect the overall scores. This is one of the many reasons the HBDI has such a strong validity due to the different types questions asked.
Q: What should CPs be aware of when debriefing new, scaled profiles? A: |
The main thing to be aware of when debriefing a ‘new’ profile that has had its scores reported using the scaling method is that whilst before a profile would represent the intensity of preference in each quadrant, you can now compare that degree of intensity in each quadrant as well as someone’s score in the A quadrant directly against their score in any other quadrant. They are now directly comparable. This is a great example of a refinement that we’ve been able to make thanks to our large data set and new and improved database. | |
Q: How do I access the “new” Reports? |
A: The new HBDI Reports are available to Certified Practitioners (CPs) and their Assistants with the simple tick of a permission box. Your Herrmann Support team will:
When you login to Axon and want to run a report, you’ll proceed as normal. The only difference will be the options list is a little longer. The “new” reports are Labeled “NEW” And for the time being, you’ll still have access to the “old” reports while you get accustomed to the new ones. NEW Report Options: INDIVIDUAL Reports: NEW HBDI Ind Profile NEW HBDI Data Summary NEW HBDI Ind Mini Profile NEW HBDI Ind Narrative NEW HBDI Ind Title Page NEW HBDI Ind 5 Pages NEW HBDI Ind Soft Copy NEW A4 AU HBDI Ind Mini Profile NEW A4 HBDI Ind 5 Pgs NEW A4 HBDI Ind Profile GROUP Reports NEW HBDI Group Average Profile NEW HBDI Group Composite Profile NEW HBDI Group Preference Map with Initials NEW HBDI Team Report Packet NEW Team Report Packet (Print Facilitator List Separately) PAIR Reports NEW HBDI Pair Report
More about "NEW" Reports can be found in this article: https://herrmann.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012193354
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